Tibusid võibki vaatama jääda. I can watch these little chicks all day long.
See on ikka nii lihtne, kui tibud kanaema kantseldada on - nii mõnus. Tibud on nüüd juba kolme nädalased ja väga tragid. Tibuaias käib kõva siblimine - nokivad mõnuga rohtu ja passivad peale, kui mamma midagi head välja siblib. Kuigi mul oli sügiseste tibude ees väike hirm, siis nüüdseks on see täiesti hajunud.
It is so easy to me when chicks are at the care of adult chicken - sooooo good! Our chicks are three weeks old now and doing great. Chicks are very busy in their little space - scratching, eating their greens and watching over the mother hen if she finds something good for them. Although I was a little apprehensive about these autumn chicks - these fears are long gone.
Kanaema on väga kaitsev ja hoolitsev. Nad ööbivad puuri ülemises osas, mille saab uksega sulgeda. Olen siiani pidanud neid pimeduse saabudes ise sinna ülesse toppima, sest tibud sinna ei lähe ja nii istub kana oma tibudega maas. Nüüd olen paar õhtut avastanud, et kanaema on kahe tibuga õiges pesakastis, aga ülejäänud kaks tibu ikka veel ei saa aru, kuhu nad ööbima peaks minema ja külmetavad maas. Pean siis nüüd ekstra tähelepanelik olema ja juba varakult neid seal kontrollimas käima. Usun, et need kaks "aeglasemat" tüüpi saavad ka ehk varsti aru, kuhu ööseks minema peab 😊
Mother hen is very protective and taking good care of her chicks. They sleep at the upper space of the coop and so far I have had to put them there myself as chicks do not know how to get there. Now - two nights in a row - I have found hen with two chicks in their right spot, so other two are still on ground and it is quite cold already.... Now I have to be very careful myself to check them more often and put these two "slower" chicks up at the right time. I believe they will figure it out soon enough though 😊
Tõstan nende aeda iga päev värske rohu peale.
I move their little coop every day to the fresh ground.
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