Rohisin täna jälle porgandi peenart. I was weeding again.

Kui ikka päike väljas nii mõnusalt paistab nagu ta seda täna tegi, siis on vaja ju väheke aias toimetada, eks.

When sun is shining so nicely outside then it is a must to go outside and do some stuff, right.

Nii, et tegin oma tavalisi hommikusi toimetusi ja hakkasin mõtlema, et jube piinlik oli ikka sellest umbrohusest peenrats pilt blogisse panna... Lihtsalt selleks, et oleks märk maas, kui suur see porgand just sellel hetkel oli. Ega siis midagi - kindad kätte ja rohima 😊

So I did my usual chores and was thinking how embarrassing it was to show the picture of a weedy garden bed in my blog just to make a mark how big my carrots were at this point... So lets get to clean the bed 😊

Rohin ja nagu ta läheb... üks mõte ajab teist taga kuni ma saan aru, et tegelikult on umbrohune peenar parem kui lihtsalt must muld. Istun igal vabal hetkel Youtubes ja mulle on juba ammu ju selge - paistab, et ainult teoorias 😃 - et mulla pind ei tohi paljas olla ja mulla elu tarbeks on elava taime juured üliolulised. Olgu need kasvõi umbrohud. Aga süda ei luba ju rahus seda segadust vaadata. Vaja ikka väheke rohida, aga mullas oleva elu pärast võib peenras ikka mõni umbrohi ka olla 😉

As I was weeding the bed.... you know how it goes - one thought chases the other and at one point I get it! I watch Youtube every free moment and I should know - at least in theory - that ground should not be bare for the sake of the life in soil. Roots of a living plant are essential for the soil life. But it is so hard to look at this mess. It kind of seems like a mess... And there I go and weed a little 😊 but it is okay to have some weeds growing in your garden beds - it is better than bare soil any time 😉

Parempoolne peenar on see rohitud peenar. Külvasin sinna augusti keskel porgandi ja tilli. Tilli olen juba ära korjanud ja sügavkülma hakkinud. Porgand väga suur ei ole, aga õnneks kannatab see kenasti öökülmasid. Nii, et isegi, kui porgand enam väga palju ei kasva, saan ma sealt meie vähestele küülikutele midagi mõnda aega korjata. 😊

The bed on the right is the one I weeded this morning. I sowed carrots and dill in the middle of August there (as I have already mentioned in one of my previous posts). Dill is already harvested and in the freezer but carrots are growing yet. Although they are not very big and if they do not grow that much anymore - they do tolerate freezing temperatures and I can harvest them for our small flock of rabbits for some time. 😊


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