Mõnus sügisene ilm välitöödeks ja väheke porgandist ka. ***** Such a great weather for outside work and a little about the carrots as well.

Nii ilus nädalavahetus oli... päike ja soe ☺️ Nii, et enamus ajast olimegi väljas.

We had such a great weekend... sun and warm temperatures. So we spent the bulk of our time outside.

Riisusime lehti, võtsin kapsa ja osaliselt ka porgandi ülesse. Korjasime õunu keldrisse ja korrastasime mõned peenrad talveks... vedasin komposti peenrale ja nüüd on vaja need veel kergelt lehtedega katta ☺️

Püüdsin tegelikult porgandi peenart rohida, aga see oli nii umbe kasvanud, et lihtsam oli kõik ülesse võtta 😁 Nii, et see oli peamine põhjus porgandite koristamiseks. Olen tulemusega suht rahul kuigi porgandid olid veits väikesed. Samas ikkagi nii suured, et sai need sügavkülma panekuks ära hakitud

We raked leaves, harvested our cabbage and some carrots. Put apples in rootcellar and prepred some beds for winter by putting compost on them. Now I have to cover them lightly with leaves as well .

I tried to weed the bed of carrots but it was so weedy that it was easier just to take all out. That's the main reason for harvesting carrots. I was quite happy about the result although carrots were not that big. Just big enough to chop them up for freezing.

Kaalusin pikalt, mida porganditega teha.... keldrisse või sügavkülma ja lõpuks otsustas selle ära porgandite suurus 😉 Nii ei pea neid koorima. Lihtsalt korralikult pestud ja hakitud.

It was quite a debate.... to store them in our rootcellar or to put them into freezer 😉 As these carrots were quite small.... freezer they went 😁 No peeling needed just washed them good and chopped up.

Olen tervele perele mega tänulik. Kõik osalesid nii väli- kui ka sisetöödel 💗

Very grateful for everybody in our family. We all did well outside and inside this weekend 💗
